Fostering Digital & Sustainable Transition of TOURism SMEs for FUture Innovation and Resilience
fuTOURiSME is a project co-funded by the Single Market Programme that aims at supporting SMEs in the sector of experiential tourism, overcome the aftermath of COVID-19 pandemics and emerge from the new socio-economic environment, through new business models, innovative services, skills & utilisation of twin transition (digital and sustainable) solutions.
The economic importance of tourism industry and the impact COVID-19 had on it, have led the EC to conduct extensive analysis and to develop ad hoc programmatic documents as the Transition Pathway for Tourism and the SME Strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe.
From such analysis it emerged that although representing a very important share of EU’s GDP (close to the 10%) there are several threats and shortcomings potentially hindering its overall socio-economic positive impact, which can be traced back to 2 main themes: need for digitalisation and sustainability.
SMEs are generally characterised by a low degree of digitalisation, suffering from the lack of skills, finance, infrastructure as well as mentoring and policy support. Not tapping into the opportunities offered by digitalisation in a highly competing sector is of course a huge waste of growth margin.
General objectives
Fostering and promoting digital solutions for (experiential) tourism SMEs, and providing them with new sustainable business models & innovative services to meet with changing tourism demands
Providing tourism SMEs with skills to effectively take advantage of the opportunities provided by twin transition, via ad hoc training resources and support by experts
Analysing and collecting twin transition best practices and strategies as guidance & source of inspiration for tourism SMEs
Tackling the relevant topics of the Transition Pathway for Tourism
Specific objectives
Analysing the specific needs of (experiential) tourism SMEs and providing them with relevant best practices and strategies to tackle twin transition
Developing digital learning solutions aimed at empowering tourism SMEs to embrace digital and sustainable transition
Providing financial and technical support to tourism SMEs for their innovation projects tackling twin transition
Blending together the needs of SMEs, tourists and the communities receiving tourism inflows in a perspective of sustainability

How? Planned Activities
Project management, ethics and quality. (Coordination and management of the project, establishment of ethical issues, project quality & monitoring) (M1 – M36/ KiNNO)
fuTOURiSME Compendium of lessons learnt & best practices on environmental, economic and social sustainability. (fuTOURiSME compendium including SMEs digital and sustainable needs, lessons learnt, best practices, awarded twin transition projects) (M1 – M34/ ConfSa)
e-Platform development, training & coaching implementation. (Project Platform, capacity building e-courses & live coaching sessions on experiential tourism & twin transition) (M9 – M18/ MASCONTOUR)
fuTOURiSME Open call & piloting. (Open Call for tourism SMEs launching, evaluation of proposals & implementation twin transition projects) (M10 – M34/ JOC)
Self-assessment & sustainability certification pathway. (Raise awareness on sustainability certifications, Training Programme on certification, fuTOURiSME sustainability self-assessment tool (M24 – M35/ KOAN)
Dissemination, exploitation & peer learning workshop. (Reach and involve project target groups, ensure wide dissemination of project’s activities & results, peer learning workshop “Capacity building on Tourism Twin Transition”) (M1 – M36/ KOAN)
Transition Pathway for Tourism

Topic 4: Comprehensive tourism strategies development or update

Topic 7: Circularity of tourism services
Topic 8: Green transition of tourism companies and SMEs
Topic 11: Easily accessible best practice, peer learning and networking for SMEs
Topic 16: Support for digitalisation of tourism SMEs and destinations

Topic 19: Awareness raising on skills needs for twin transition in tourism
Topic 20: Awareness raising on changes in tourism demand and the opportunities of twin transition for tourism
Topic 26: Tourism services for visitors and residents alike
Project Partnership

Project Sustainability
Long-term impact and continuity of fuTOURiSME
Communication & Dissemination
Social Media, Project Website,
Awareness events
Project's Partners Websites & Social Media Pages,
Project's Partners networks
Training & Capacity Building
Peer Learning workshop “Capacity building on Tourism Twin Transition”
E courses & Live Coaching on tourism & twin transition
fuTOURiSME Compendium
Synergies with past & new projects
Sustainability tourism toolkit
Exploitation Plan (guidelines & tools for project continuity)
Map of key stakeholders and policymakers, tourism SMEs and communities, providers of innovative digital and green services, Civil society/NGOs, and general public